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    來(lái)源:中國(guó)人民大學(xué) 時(shí)間:2016-01-07
    核心提示:食品安全治理協(xié)同創(chuàng)新中心研究員項(xiàng)目2016-2017FSG Center Visiting Fellowship Program 2016-20171. IntroductionImplementing t
    FSG Center Visiting Fellowship Program 2016-2017
    1. Introduction
    Implementing the 2011 plan of Ministry of Education, Center for Coordination and Innovation of Food Safety Governance (FSG Center) at Renmin University of China focuses on gathering social innovation elements and resources to modernize China’s food safety governance system and improve its management ability.
    Our center has developed lots of cooperation with practical organizations and research institutions since its establishment. It has achieved positive effects in talents training, discipline construction, scientific researches, participation in significant legislation and policy consultation, social service, and international exchange and cooperation, for which the center has been highly appraised and accepted by the society.
    To support those objectives, FSG Center seeks up two visitors for food safety research in 2016-2017 academic year. This visiting fellowship program is targeted at developing scholars/researchers able to analyze, research and make policy recommendations about food safety governance and its related issues. The Center invites candidates with an interdisciplinary background in food science, food safety law, public administration, agriculture, environment, and other disciplines bearing on the study of food, law, politics, economic development, markets, agriculture and environment, focusing on the food safety issue.
    2. Eligibility and Conditions
    1) Applications are required to hold a PhD in one of the above mentioned disciplines and should concern Food Safety Research Focus Areas and clearly linked to food safety related themes.
    2) The Visiting Fellow is expected to stay at the visiting institution for at least two weeks up to three month in total.
    3) The Visiting Fellow will participate actively in a teaching program, and shall teach at least one course on food safety during the visiting period. A public lecture can be included as well.
    4) The schedule of the visit(s) should be agreed upon by both the sending and receiving faculty, department or institute. They can decide to arrange the duration of the Visiting Fellowship in either one single visit or in several (shorter) visits.
    5) All teaching arrangements should be included in the application and agreed and scheduled in advance. The Visiting Fellowship should take place in 2016-2017 academic year.
    6) A report, including an overview of deliverables and follow up activities, should be submitted within one month after the Visiting Fellowship has ended. Follow up results of the Visiting Fellowship will also have to be reported after one year.
    3. Grant
    1) Rank and salary will be contingent on qualifications. FSG Center Fellows will receive applicable Renmin University of China benefits, allowance for the business trip, and research fund.
    2) Access to a work space (subject to availability, the visiting fellow may have independent or shared office) and necessary facilities.
    3) Access to the law library and other university libraries.
    4. Application Process
    To apply, please provide the following:
    1) Cover letter explaining the application's scholarly career, prospective or actual doctoral defense date, and academic interests.
    2) Current C.V. including publications.
    3) 2000-word description of the proposed research project, including its specific objectives, importance, and research design.
    4) Syllabus of a course (or courses) he/she can teach.
    These materials should be submitted with reference “Visiting Fellowship 2016 – [name candidate]”to the FSG Center Office at fsgruc@163.com before the deadline by March 1, 2016. And any questions and information regarding the visiting fellowship program, please directly contact us.
    Short-listed candidates may receive a telephone interviewand a final decision is expected within 6 weeks (except public holidays in China) after submission of the proposal.
    For more information, please link to brochure or www.chinafoodsecurity.com.
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